Racket Pack

The South Norfolk SSP in association with Badminton England delivered a badminton festival aimed at giving young children the opportunity to try the sport. Sports leaders from Long Stratton High School supported a series of individual activities aimed at developing the skills required for badminton. Each school team tried each of the activities.

Children from Fox Class took part in the morning

Badger Class children took part in the afternoon

Spooner Row School has now purchased the equipment to deliver badminton sessions in PE and Mrs Baker has received badminton coach training.

Thanks to Badminton England, Laura Goodsween (South Norfolk's School Sports Coordinator) and the school sports leaders from Long Stratton High for making it such a fun event.

If your child is interested in trying Badminton please go to the Badminton England Website for details of local clubs https://www.badmintonengland.co.uk/play/the-racket-pack/


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